I want kids. If we are being specific, I want four kids (initially, I typed "six" which might by the crazy mother inside of me talking). And if I had my way, the first would be a boy named Elijah. And the next three would be curly blonds named Millie, Penny and Livie. I want my son to be at least five years older than the next oldest child and for the little girls to be close in age. Or even, I would love the last two to be twins. I want to dress up my daughters in matching dresses. Pink and lacy with giant bows in their curly hair. I want them all to play dress up. I want them to want to be princesses when they grow up.
But, as it is, life as thrown me in a different direction. A direction of compromises. My partner does not envision the same future. She sees three little girls, but no son. And we don't exactly agree on names, except for Millie which I suspect she is going along with only because it is an important family name on my side, and we certainly don't agree on how to raise children- gender-wise. She doesn't picture three fairy princess daughters. And she doesn't want them in pink lacy dresses with giant bows sticking off the sides of their heads. She wants gender neutral for the most part.
I am slowly learning to see her point of view. I've always respected what her opinion on dresses and pink is. But I am starting to accept it. And I am starting to adapt my way of thinking to hers. I recently purchased her an early baba's day present (baba's day is traditionally celebrated in place of father's day however this year it's coming early because my love simply cannot be patient for a present). This baba's day present is gender neutral. Well. Let me say this. In the past, I would have seen what I bought as something just for a boy. But as I adjust to this new brand of thought, I see it as something I would love to give to a daughter. Or a son. Basically, it is something I would love to give to our first child regardless of its gender.
I hope she reads this. Because it's a big deal that I am starting to see things this way.